Changing course or educuation provider in Australia
If you are thinking about changing your course, you need to ensure that you continue to meet the conditions of your student visa. Here we listed a few scenarios if you are planning to change course in the future.
Changing course advice for streamlined visa holders
If you want to change to a new course and you were granted a visa under the streamlined visa processing arrangements you must maintain enrolment in a streamlined visa processing eligible course (or package of courses) with an education provider participating in the arrangements.
Important: If your new course is not with an education provider participating in the streamlined visa processing arrangements, read the information below about changing education providers.
If you enrol in a course (or package of courses) that is not eligible for streamlined visa processing, you no longer meet the criteria for which your visa was granted and may be considered for visa cancellation.
Changing course advice for visa holders who are not on streamlined visas
If you want to change to a new course at the same level of qualification, you do not need to apply for a new student visa unless your current visa is about to expire.
If your new course will be with a different education provider, read the information below regarding changing education providers.
Changing your level of qualification
If you want to change your level of qualification, you will need to apply for a new student visa because your visa subclass will change.
Example: You want to change from a bachelor degree to Certificate IV.
Important: Your eligibility for a visa may be affected if you change your course(s) of study before a decision is made on your visa application.
Changing education provider advice for streamlined visa holders
If you were granted a visa under the streamlined visa processing arrangements you must stay enrolled in a streamlined visa processing eligible course with an education provider participating in the arrangements.
Important: If you enrol to study with an education provider that is not participating in the streamlined visa processing arrangements, you no longer meet the criteria for which your visa was granted and may be considered for visa cancellation.
Changing education provider advice for visa holders who are not on streamlined visas
If you are intending to change education provider, you should contact your current education provider for information. In most circumstances the new education provider will be restricted from enrolling you if you have not completed six months of the main course of study for which your visa was granted.
If you want to change provider before completing the first six months of your main course of study you must contact your current education provider for permission and receive a release letter. You will require a letter of offer from the new provider in order to apply for a letter of release from your original education provider.
If your education provider does not give you permission and you are not satisfied with the outcome you should first access the internal appeal process with your education provider. If you are still not satisfied you can appeal the education provider’s decision at an external complaint handling body, such as the State or Territory Ombudsman or the Overseas Student Ombudsman.
If you wish to change education provider and unsure about the process, contact us and we will explain the process to you.
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