Beware of Visa Scam
Australia is the new world full of hope and dream. There are a lot of successful stories of travellers settling in the kangaroo land and having an improved quality of life. This creates a new trend and some parties are using this to trick and deceive people into a scam that leads to dead-end and exploitation.
The most common scenario is to guarantee a full-time job as long as the victim agrees to pay a certain amount of cash for processing and visa fee. And they are mostly being sent away to work in farms or factories under tourist or student visa. Beware of individuals who offer you unusual and too-good-to-be-true way to work or migrate to Australia.
Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Australia imposes a strict no work condition when it comes to tourist (visitor) visa. Australia is very strict in regards to their migration law. Tourist (visitor) visa is supposed to be used for holiday purpose, and not for employment.
There are other visa options for those who want to have working right and migrate to Australia. The most common way to migrate is by studying* in Australia and afterwards work or apply for an Expression of Interest for Permanent Residency (EOI PR). Australia embraces those who possess certain skills and knowledge to migrate, work, and be a part of Australia.
*Note that the level of study must be Bachelor or above and the course of study must be in SOL and must be closely related to the nominated occupation in the SOL. There are several other requirements that need to be met before you can submit an EOI PR.
These are some of the common signs to spot a scam alert:
- You are told to apply a tourist visa to Australia to work
- You are asked to pay a large amount of money to come and work in Australia
- They guarantee an Australia visa for you
- They have a special relationship with the Department of Immigration
- They need to keep your original documents
- The company you will be working for will nominate for your residency even though you have overstayed your visa duration
- A Permanent Residency guarantee after studying/ working for 2 years
There are quite a number of requirement that has to be met before a company in Australia can sponsor you, and not all occupations can be nominated. So, beware of people giving misleading advices. If you are looking for migration consulting, please check the agent’s MARN (Migration Agents Registration Number) in the Migration Agents Registration Authority website ( Only a registered agent is allowed to give a migration advise.
Avoid internet webpage, social media pages, and advertisements by anyone who claims they can ‘guarantee’ a visa. Only authorised officers from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection can issue you with a visa and nobody can guarantee a visa grant. Besides, there is only one official Australian Immigration and Border Protection website providing visa services. Their website address is
If you wish to come to Australia to study, gain a qualification for your future venture while enjoying and experiencing life in this country, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are able to help and provide all the required information.
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